The prostate

The prostate is a small gland which surrounds the urethra. It is located underneath the bladder and in front of the rectum. One of the functions of the prostate is to produce and transport prostatic fluid. During an orgasm this fluid mixes with sperm and is ejaculated out of the penis.
Plaats van de prostaat

Prostate cancer

In most countries of the Western world, prostate cancer is the second most frequent type of cancer in men. Based on information produced by the World Health Organisation (WHO) International Agency for Cancer Research (IAC) about 680,000 men worldwide were diagnosed with prostate cancer in 2002 and 220,000 or roughly one in every three of them died of this disease.

Risk of finding prostate cancer
With systematic screening most cancers found are in a curable stage. Many of these cancers are not deadly and can be managed with a high rate of success. In many cases immediate treatment is not necessary but it is then necessary that your urologist follows you closely. At this time however   it remains unproven whether screening decreases prostate cancer mortality.  

Usually, prostate cancer does not result in physical symptoms. However some men may notice pain in bones from spread of the disease.

Symptoms related to passing urine, such as frequent urination, a slow start or a slow stream, are often caused by benign enlargement of the prostate (BPH). In patients with serious complaints related to prostatic enlargement, the chance of finding prostate cancer is decreased.
revision 3
September 2010